University of Kent
School of Economics, Kennedy Building, Room 224
Canterbury, Kent
CT2 7FS United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 1227 823874
Fax: + 44 1227 827850
Email: a.gschwandtner@kent.ac.at
- Empirical Industrial Organization, Applied Economics, Agricultural Economics, Organic Food, Well-being, Lifestyle and Happiness
- Since September 2012: Assistant/Associate Professor at the University of Kent
- September 2011- December 2014: Elise Richter Program at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
- March 2003: Research Fellow at the Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah, US)
- Nov. 1998 - Nov. 2002: Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Vienna
The Higher Education Academy United Kingdom
- 2013: Habilitation, venia docendi in Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
- Topic: Profit Persistence, Entry and Exit and Market Dynamics
- Supervisor: Prof. C Weiss
- 2002: PhD in Economics, University of Vienna, Austria.
- Topic: Evolution of the largest US corporations 1950-2000
- Supervisor: Prof. Dennis C. Mueller
- 1996: BSc in Economics, University of Vienna, Austria.
1. "Valuing the organic attribute in chicken meat: correcting for endogeneity" (joint with Jose Eduardo Ribeiro and Cesar Revoredo-Giha), International Journal of the Economics of business - published online July (2024) https://doi.org/10.1080/13571516.2024.2362986
2. "Keeping up with Academic Jones’: Benchmarking and University Vice Chancellors’ Pay in the UK" (joint with Michael Gmeiner and Richard McManus), Higher Education Policy. Springer - published online November (2023)
3. "Lifestyle and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Delayed Gratification" (joint with Uma Kambhampati and Sarah Jewell) (2022), Journal of Happiness Studies, August, pp 1-30. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-021-00440-y
4. "Consumers' purchases of organic meats in Great Britain during the COVID-19 pandemic" (joint with Cesar Revoredo-Giha) (2021), Eurochoices, August, https://doi.org/10.1111/1746-692X.12320
5. "The Effects of Risk and Ambiguity Aversion on Technology Adoption: Evidence from Aquaculture in Ghana" (joint with Christian Crentsil and Zaki Wahhaj), (2020), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 179, pp 46-68 https://www.kent.ac.uk/economics/repec/1814.pdf
6. "Improving Drinking Water Quality in South Korea: A Choice Experiment with Hypothetical Bias Treatments"
(joint with Cheul Jang and Richard McManus), (2020), Water, 12(9), 2569; doi:10.3390/w12092569
7. "Comparing treatments to reduce Hypothetical Bias in Choice Experiments regarding Organic Food" (joint with Michael Burton), European Review of Agricultural Economics, volume 47, Issue 3, July 2020, Pages 1302-1337, doi:10.1093/erae/jbz047
8. "The Organic Food Premium: A Local Assessment in the UK", (2018), International Journal of the Economics of Business, 25(2), 313-338, https://doi.org/10.1080/13571516.2017.1389842.
9. "What drives firm profitability? A comparison of the US and EU food processing industry" (joint with Stefan Hirsch), (2017), The Manchester School, August, doi:10.1111/manc.12201
10. "Profit Persistence and Stock Returns" (joint with Michael Hauser), (2016), Applied Economics, 48(37), 3538-3549,
11. "The determinants of firm profitability differences in EU food processing", (joint with Monika Hartmann, J. Schiefer and S. Hirsch), (2014), Journal of Agricultural Economics, 65(3), 703-72, DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12061
12. Gschwandtner, A. and S. Hirsch (2013): "Profit Persistence in the European Food Industry", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 40(5), 741-759.
13. Cuaresma, J.C. and A. Gschwandtner (2013): “Explaining the persistence of profits: A time-varying approach”,
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 20(1), 125-140.
14. Gschwandtner, A and V.E. Lambson (2012): “Sunk Costs, Depreciation and Industry Dynamics”,
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(4), 1059-1065.
15. Gschwandtner, A.(2012): "Evolution of Profit Persistence in the US: Evidence from three periods",
The Manchester School,80(2), 17–209.
16. Cuaresma, J.C. and A. Gschwandtner (2008): “Tracing the dynamics of competition: Evidence from company profits”, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 46(2), 208-213.
17. Cable, J. and A. Gschwandtner (2008): “On Modelling the Persistence of Profits in the Long Run: An Analysis of 156 US Companies, 1950-1999”, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 15(2), 245-63.
18. Gschwandtner, A. and M. Hauser (2008): "Modelling Profit Series: Nonstationarity and long Memory",
Applied Economics, 40(11), 1475-1482.
19. Gschwandtner, A. and V.E. Lambson (2006): "Sunk Costs, Profit Volatility, and Turnover", Economic Inquiry, 44(2), 367-373.
20. Cuaresma, J.C. and A. Gschwandtner (2006): "The competitive environment hypothesis revisited:
Nonlinearity, nonstationarity and profit persistence”, Applied Economics, 38(4/10), 465 - 472.
21. Gschwandtner, A. (2005): "Profit Persistence in the "Very" Long Run: Evidence from Survivors and Exiters",
Applied Economics, 37(7), 793-806.
22. Gschwandtner, A. and V.E. Lambson (2002): "The Effects of Sunk Costs on Entry and Exit: Evidence from 36
Countries",Economics Letters, 7(1), 109-115.
Articles in Volumes:
23. Gschwandtner, A. (2004): “Comparing two different trade policy tools” in "Romania joining the European Union: The fight with time", Vol. I, pp. 499-507, Editura Economica: Bucharest, Romania.
Refereed conference contributions:
24. Gschwandtner, A. and S. Hirsch (2011): "Profit Persistence in the European Food Industry", 21. Conference of the Austrian Agriculture Society, Proceedings 2011.
Working papers
- Gschwandtner, A., M. Hauser (2016): 'Using Profit Persistence to Predict Stock Returns: An Alternative Model '– work in progress
published under the title "The Organic Food Premium: A Local Assessment in the UK' in the International Journal of the Economics of Business.
Media and Press Releases:
- Mail Online - The benefits of eating fruits and vegetables and exercise
- MSN News - The major effect of exercise on happiness
- MSN Ireland - Eating fruits and vegetables and doing exercise
- Psychology Today - The Role of Delayed Gratification for Lifestyle and Happiness
- Earth Com - Fruit and Vegetables and Exercise can increase your Life-Satisfaction
- Daily Mail - Eating Fruit and Vegetables and exercising lead to a happier life
Policy Reports and Reviews
- LSE Public Policy Group Review (2013) of the following Report published by the European Court of Auditors: Has the EU support to the food-processing industry been effective and efficient in adding value to agricultural products?
Prizes, Awards, Internal and External Funding
- 2019 METADAC - Understanding Society Genotype data
- 2016 Kent Union Teaching Awards 2016 (Best Teacher Nomination)
- 2015 Kent Union Teaching Awards 2015 (Best Teacher Nomination)
- 2015 Tony Thirlwall Fellowship, School of Economics, University of Kent
- 2015 Nomination for Best Academic Adviser 2015 (Kent Student Union)
- Teaching Award 2008 (Third best course at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Vienna)
Referee for:
Memberships (actual and past)
Organised Workshops, Seminars and Symposium
- October 2018: "Improving Drinking Water Quality in South Korea: A Choice Experiment", Seminar Presentation at Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK.
- January 2018: "The Willingness to Pay for Organic Attributes in the UK", Seminar Presentation at the School of Economics, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
- August 2017: "The Willingness to Pay for Organic Attributes in the UK", Seminar Presentation at the School of Agriculture and Environment of Western Australia.
- November 2016: "On the relationship between life style and happiness in the UK", seminar presentation University of Reading, UK.
- August 2014: "The Behavioral Gap for Organic Food in Britain", Seminar Presentation at the School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia.
- September 2012: "Sunk Costs, Depreciation and Industry Dynamics", Chair at EARIE, Rome, Italy.
- June 2012: "Sunk Cost, Depreciation and Industry Dynamics", Seminar presentation, Vienna University of Economics and Business
- May 2012: "Profit Persistence in the Food Industry: Evidence from five European Countries", NOEG, Vienna, Austria
- March 2012:"Profit Persistence in the Food Industry: Evidence from five European Countries", WIFO Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
- December 2011:"Profit Persistence in the European Food Industry: Evidence from five European Countries", SAEe, Malaga, Spain
- September 2011:" Analysis of the persistence of profits within the EU-27 Food Sector", JEI, Valencia, Spain
- September 2011:"Profit Persistence in the Food Industry: Evidence from Five European Countries", EARIE, Stockholm, Sweden
- April 2011: "Explaining the persistence of profits: A time-varying approach", Seminar presentation, Vienna University of Economics and Business
- May 2009: "Explaining the persistence of profits: A time-varying approach.", NOEG, Linz, Austria
- Sept. 2008: "Evolution of Profit Persistence in the US: evidence from four 20-years periods.", EARIE, Toulouse, France
- July 2007: "Explaining the persistence of profits: A time-varying approach." Conference Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao (ISEG), Lisbon, Portugal
- May 2004: "Profit Persistence in Stationary Series: Evidence from a New Dataset", NOEG, Vienna, Austria
- March 2003: "The effects of sunk costs on entry and exit: evidence from 36 countries", Brigham Young University, Provo, USA
- Nov. 2001: "Evolution of the largest US corporations 1950-2000", University of Vienna, Austria
- Sept. 2001: "Profit persistence in the 'very' long run: evidence from survivors and exiters. ESSID (European Summer school in Industrial Dynamics), Cargese, France
- Nov. 1999: "Evolution of Profit Persistence in the US: Evidence from Three Periods". ESFI (Ecole de Sophia Antipolis sur la Firme et I'Industrie on Co-operative Behaviours), Valbonne, France
1. Lecturer, University of Kent, School of Economics, United Kingdom (currently) - in English
- Topics in Advanced Microeconomics (ECON8850)
- Extended Economic Essay (EC565)
- Economics Dissertation (EC541)
- Economic Controversies - Economic Growth versus Happiness (EC538)
2. Lecturer, Webster University, Vienna (summer term 2013) - in English
3. Lecturer, Theodor-Brinkmann-Graduate School, University of Bonn, Germany (summer term 2011) - in English
- Measuring the Efficiency of Firms: Approaches and their Advantages and Disadvantages (summer term 2011) - at PhD level, jointly with Prof. Dr. Klaus Frohberg
4. Lecturer, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) - in German
- Applied Microeconomics (2011-2012)
5. Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Vienna - in German
- Corporate Finance (2008-2012)
6. Assistant Professor, University of Vienna - in German
- Principles of Economics for Economic Students (1999 - 2011)
- Principles of Economics for Computer Science (2007 -2012)
- Macroeconomics (2002-2008)
- Microeconomics (2002-2005)
- Industrial Economics (1999-2002)
Selected Supervised Students:
PhD Thesis:
- Jose Eduardo Ribeiro (2016-2023): Behavioural Intention and Willingness to Pay for Attributes of Organic Products in the UK
– a combined environmental valuation approach.
- Christian Crentsil (2013-2018): The Effects of Risk and Ambiguity Attitudes on Production Choices of Smallholder Fish Farmers in Southern Ghana, (supervision joint with Zaki Wahhaj) - completed!
- Cheul Jang (2014-2018): Evaluating the Feasibility of an Investment for Improving Drinking Water Quality in South Korea - completed!
- viva voce internal examiner Joshua Sebu (2016): Essays on Farm Household Credit Constraint, Productivity and Consumption Inequality in Malawi
- viva voce internal examiner for Christina Siettou (2014): An Economic Analysis of the UK Pet Dog Market and Animal Welfare: The Case of the UK Pet Dog Overpopulation Problem
Master Thesis:
- Shafique Sam (2023): Valuating the Blue and Green Economies as a driver of Sustainable Development in the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Supraja Rudra (2023): Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Market Indices: Exploring the Asymmetric Effects in the UK and India
- Christine Ochoro (2022): Impact of Investment Policies in Women Led Businesses in Developing Economies
- Sophia Okonjo (2022): The Benefits of Organic Food for Human Health
- Matthew Bishop (2021): The Willingness to Pay for Electric Cars
- Ella King (2020): How Our Access to Green Space Affects the Extent to which Real-Life Shock Events Impact upon our Life Satisfaction, A combined Life Satisfaction Approach and Contingent Valuation Method Study
- Barnaby Peter Molloy (2019): The Willingness to Pay to live within close proximity to the Coast, A combined Life Satisfaction and Hedonic Pricing Method Study
- Dylan Paxton-Lawrence (2018): Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture: A Look at Top Emissions Sources in the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam
- Sarah K. Steinbach (2017): Looking Beyond The Price Tag: The Willingness To Pay for Fair Trade Fashion
- Kelly Ovat (2017): Impact of Sustainable Agricultural Practices on Crop Yield and Income of Farmers in the UK and other European countries
- Jake Clothier (2016): The Willingness To Pay for the Reduction of Tropical Deforestation: a UK Contingent Valuation Study
- Jim-George Okeimieibi Somina Mieba (2016): Assessment of Productivity and Environmental Impact of Organic Farming
- Marios Zachariou (2015): The Willingness To Pay for Eco-Labelled Salmon in the Canterbury District
- Vanessa E. Egzibo (2015): To what extent can corruption explain low growth in resource rich countries?
- Samuel Iremiren (2014): Is a healthy life a happy life?
- Angela Maria Perchiacca (2014): Cross-regions Consumers' Willingness To Pay for Organic Food: An Italian Economic Survey
- Laurence Durham (2014): A Panel Data Analysis of the Effects of Corruption on Economic Growth and its Determinants
- Coskun Serefoglu (2014): Reduced Pesticide Use in Potato: Concerns and Willingness to Pay of Turkish Consumers
- Joshua Benjamin (2014): Willingness To Pay for Fair Trade Coffee: A UK Case Study
- Daniel Robert James Young (2013): A Hedonic Pricing Study Examining the Valuation of Cymbals
- Jose Eduardo Carvalho Ribero (2013): Friston Forest: a Hybrid TCM and CVM Application to Forest Recreation
- Sandra Malijebtou (2010): Maßnahmen für eine erfolgreiche wirtschaftliche und soziale Integration- aus Sicht muslimischer Immigranten
- Alexandra Zlabinger (2010): Anstieg von Rechtspopulismus in Zeiten der Krise - Eine Analyse anahnd makroökonomischer Faktoren
- Bernadette Schogger (2008): Eine Studie über den Einfluss von Markenbindung und Preisbereitschaft beim Kauf von Bioprodukten in Österreich
- Marion Karl (2008): Endogene und exogene Preisdeterminanten bei online Auktionen am empirischen Fallbeispiel von eBay
- Sabine Holler (2006): Die (Un-)Abhängigkeit des Abschlussprüfers aus dem Blickwinkel der Quasirententheorie
Bachelor Thesis:
- Elise Baseley (2015): An Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Oil Prices and Investment
- Cristina Papuc (2015): The effect of obesity on two labour market outcomes: probability of employment and wages in the UK
- Kieran Choate (2015): Determinants of Demand and Supply for Lottery Games
- Tziortzia Eleftheriadou (2015): Did the Cypriot financial crisis of 2012-2013, lowered the subjective well-being of the island’s citizens?
- Gayathri Narayanan (2015): The liberalisation of the airline industry in Europe
- Olufisayo Akingbadega (2015): An analysis of spending decisions of students
- Kingsley Hall (2015): Residents willingness to pay for improved water quality within the District of Canterbury
- Julia Gülden-Zeisberger (2008): Die Phillipskurve – Der Zusammenhang zwischen Inflation und Arbeitslosenquote in Österreich
- Natalie Licht (2008): Die makroökonomischen Auswirkungen von Hartz IV.
Training, Workshops:
- May 2017: University of Kent - Supervising Successful PhD Students- Steve Hutchinson - Canterbury/UK
- February 2012: Analysis of Panel Data with STATA – Ulrich Kohler- Vienna University of Economics and Business
- December 2011: Time Management – Dr. Andrea Tschirf-Kainberger University of Vienna
- November 2011: Leadership Skills – Mag. Ute Riedler University of Vienna
- June 2010: Seminar Gender-competence (Medical University of Vienna - Mag. Surur Abdul-Hussain, Mag. Martin Koschat)
- Mai 2010: Seminar Diversity & Gender (University of Vienna - Mag. Iris Appiano-Kugler)
- February 2010: Workshop Go4Diversity - for Antidiscrimination and Integration - Vienna
- December 2009: Workshop for the UG 2002 Amendment- Richard Gamauf (University of Vienna)
- December 2009: Workshop for gender related duties of the equal opportunities party - Elisabeth Holzleithner, Nikloaus Benke (Donau University Krems)
- November 2009: 'Fit for 40' Workshop for the UG 2002 Amendment (University of Vienna)
- April 2005: Research Promotion 1- Stipends and Prizes (University of Vienna - Mag. Brigitta Moravec)
- April 2005: Research Promotion 2 - Projects (University of Vienna - Mag. Brigitta Moravec)
- Nov. 2004: Professional Sponsoring and Fundraising (University of Vienna - Mag. Martin füll)
- June 2004: Presentations and Lectures in the University Context (University of Vienna - M.A. Ruth Pappenheim)
- May 2004: Writing Scientific Texts (University of Vienna - M.A. Ruth Pappenheim)
- May 2003: The creative Presentation (University of Vienna - Dr. Fleur Wöss)
- May 2003: Rhetoric for women in science (University of Vienna - Mag. Iris Appiano-Kugler)
- June 2003: MS-PowerPoint (Vienna University Computer Center)
- Nov. 1999: Summer School in Industrial Economics, E.S.F.I., Valbonne, France
- Summer 1999: SAS - Introduction for Statisticians (University of Vienna - Mag. Alexandra Kaider)
Administrative Duties/Activity (past and actual)
- External Examiner Scotlands Rural University College (SRUC) - University of Edinburgh
- Director of Graduate Studies and Chief Examiner (Masters) - School of Economics - University of Kent
- Executive Member and Director of the Agricultural Economic Society Company Limited
- Stage 1 Director, Director of Studies and Chief Examiner - School of Economics, University of Kent
- Value Programme Co-ordinator, School of Economics, University of Kent
- Substitute Member for the Economics Faculty Conference of the University of Vienna
- Member of the Institute Conference (Department of Economics, University of Vienna)
- Member of the Commission for Professorial Positions (Department of Economics, University of Vienna)
- Maiden Name: Adelina Raicu
- Languages: English, German (fluent), Romanian (mother tongue)
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olume 47, Issue 3, July 2020, Pages 1302–1337
11th Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium
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