Page history
last edited
by Adelina Gschwandtner 14 years, 7 months ago
Department of Economics
University of Vienna
BWZ, Bruenner Strasse 72
1210, Vienna, Austria
Tel: 00431 4277 7480
Fax: 00431 4277 37498
Email: adelina.gschwandtner@univie.ac.at
Personal website: http://homepage.univie.ac.at/adelina.gschwandtner/
- Empirical Industrial Organization, Applied Economics, Videostatement (German)
- Nov. 2002 - Dec. 2008: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Vienna
- March 2003: Research Fellow at the Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah, US)
- Nov. 1998 - Nov. 2002: Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Vienna
- March 2002: PhD in Economics, University of Vienna, Austria.
- Topic: Evolution of the largest US corporations 1950-2000
- Supervisor: Prof. Dennis C. Mueller
- Committee: Prof. Dennis C. Mueller, Prof. Gerhard Clemenz
Peer Reviewed Articles
1. Gschwandtner, A and V.E. Lambson (2010): “Entry Costs, Depreciation and Industry Dynamicsâ€, The Review of Economics and Statistics, revise and resubmit.
2. Gschwandtner, A.(2010): "Evolution of Profit Persistence in the US: Evidence from three periods", The Manchester School, forthcoming.
3. Cuaresma, J.C. and A. Gschwandtner (2008): “Tracing the dynamics of competition: Evidence from company profitsâ€, Economic Inquiry,Vol. 46, Issue 2, pp. 208-213.
4. Cable, J. and A. Gschwandtner (2008): “On Modelling the Persistence of Profits in the Long Run: An Analysis of 156 US Companies, 1950-1999â€, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 15(2),
pp. 245-263.
5. Gschwandtner, A. and M. Hauser (2008): "Modelling Profit Series: Nonstationarity and long Memory", Applied Economics, 40(11), pp. 1475-1482.
6. Gschwandtner, A. and V.E. Lambson (2006): "Sunk Costs, Profit Volatility, and Turnover", Economic Inquiry, 44(2), pp. 367-373.
7. Cuaresma, J.C. and A. Gschwandtner (2006): "The competitive environment hypothesis revisited: Nonlinearity, nonstationarity and profit persistenceâ€, Applied Economics, 38(4/10), pp. 465 - 472.
8. Gschwandtner, A. (2005): "Profit Persistence in the "Very" Long Run: Evidence from Survivors and Exiters", Applied Economics, 37(7), pp. 793-806.
9. Gschwandtner, A. and V.E. Lambson (2002): "The Effects of Sunk Costs on Entry and Exit: Evidence from 36 Countries", Economics Letters 77(1), pp. 109-115.
Articles in Volumes:
- Gschwandtner, A. (2004): “Comparing two different trade policy tools†in "Romania joining the European Union: The fight with time", Vol. I, pp. 499-507. Editura Economica: Bucharest, Romania.
Working papers, presented at conferences or seminars
- Cuaresma, J.C. and A. Gschwandtner (2008): “Explaining the persistence of profits: A time-varying approachâ€, Working Paper 0806, Department of Economics, University of Vienna.
- Gschwandtner, A. and V.E. Lambson (2008): “Entry Costs, Depreciation and Industry Dynamicsâ€, Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Vienna
- Gschwandtner, A. (2008): “Evolution of Profit Persistence in the US: evidence from four 20-years periodsâ€, Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Vienna
- Gschwandtner, A. and Youchang Wu (2009): "Profit Persistence and Stock Returns", Mimeo, Department of Economics, University of Vienna.
Referee for:
- International Journal of the Economics of Business
- Manchester School
Prizes and Awards
Oct. 2009 Seminarpresentation, JKU Linz, Austria
Sept. 2009 EARIE, Ljubljana, Slovenia
May 2009: NOEG, Linz, Austria
Sept 2008 EARIE, Toulouse, France
July 2007: ISEG, Lisbon, Portugal
Aug. 2004: EEA/ESEM, Madrid, Spain.
May 2004: NOEG, Vienna, Austria.
March 2003: Brigham Young University, Provo, USA
Nov. 2001: University of Vienna, Austria
Sept. 2001: ESSID, Cargese, France
Nov. 1999: E.S.F.I., Valbonne, France
June 1998: I.A.S., Vienna, Austria
- Research Group on Principles of Economics for Economic Students (1999 - Now)
- Principles of Economics for Business Informatics Students (2007 -Now)
- Macroeconomics (2002-2008)
- Microeconomics (2002-2005)
- Industrial Economics (1999-2002)
Selected Supervised Students:
Master Thesis:
Sabine Holler (2006): Die (Un-)Abhängigkeit des Abschlussprüfers aus dem Blickwinkel der Quasirententheorie.
Bernadette Schogger (2008): Eine Studie über den Einfluss von Markenbindung und Preisbereitschaft beim von Bioprodukten in Österreich.
Marion Karl (2008): Endogene und exogene Preisdeterminanten bei online Auktionen am empirischen Fallbeispiel von eBay.
Sandra Malijebtou (2010): Maßnahmen für eine erfolgreiche wirtschaftliche und soziale Integration- aus Sicht muslimischer Immigranten.
Alexandra Zlabinger (2010): Anstieg von Rechtspopulismus zur Zeit von Krise.
Master Thesis:
- December 2009: Workshop for the UG 2002 Amendment- Richard Gamauf (University of Vienna)
- December 2009: Worshop for gender related duties of the equal opportunities party - Elisabeth Holzleithner, Nikloaus Benke (Donau University Krems)
- November 2009: 'Fit for 40' Workshop for the UG 2002 Amendment (University of Vienna)
- April 2005: Research Promotion 1- Stipends and Prizes (University of Vienna - Mag. Brigitta Moravec)
- April 2005: Research Promotion 2 - Projects (University of Vienna - Mag. Brigitta Moravec)
- November 2004: Professional Sponsoring and Fundraising (University of Vienna - Mag. Martin füll)
- June 2004: Presentations and Lectures in the University Context (University of Vienna - M.A. Ruth Pappenheim)
- May 2004: Writing Scientific Texts (University of Vienna - M.A. Ruth Pappenheim)
- May 2003: The creative Presentation (University of Vienna - Dr. Fleur Wöss)
- May 2003: Rhetoric for women in science (University of Vienna - Mag. Iris Appiano-Kugler)
- June 2003: MS-PowerPoint (Vienna University Computer Center)
- November 1999: Summer School in Industrial Economics, E.S.F.I., Valbonne, France
- Summer 1999: SAS - Introduction for Statisticians (University of Vienna - Mag. Alexandra Kaider)
Administrative duties
- Substitute Member for the Economics Faculty Conference of the University of Vienna
- Member of the Institute Conference (Department of Economics, University of Vienna)
- Member of the Commission for Professorial Positions (Department of Economics, University of Vienna)
- Maiden Name: Adelina Raicu
- Languages: English, German (fluent), Romanian (mother tongue)
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